Maintenance Manager
A fully digital activity management solution to support the planning and completion of all site work

Complete Activity Management System
When any site activity is required, it is beneficial to have all relevant information to hand – for both the scheduling and the effective completion of campaigns.
Smart Asset Management’s complete activity management system is the fully digital software solution to support the planning and completion of all maintenance, inspection, audit and associated site activities.
It does this by placing all digital asset information, activity scheduling and progress reporting at your fingertips.
Built in scheduling
For asset managers and planners, workflows and tasks can be scheduled and push-deployed to the on site inspectors, maintenance technicians and auditors via syncing.
Workflows and schedules can also be automatically configured through the assignment of asset classifications or through predictive and performance-based monitoring – combining digital intelligence with on site expertise.

On-site performance
On-site, maintenance technicians, inspectors and auditors can access all key information via a zone-rated tablet device.
This gives site personnel an easily searchable digital document library and fully rendered and navigable asset graphics – enhancing the speed, efficiency and performance of maintenance, inspection and audit activities.
Typical asset information includes:
- Operation and maintenance manuals
- General arrangement diagrams
- Inspection and maintenance records
- Parts listing with spares ordering
- Push-deploy support requests to approved service providers.
Consistent and 2-way feedback
With centrally standardised forms and two-way feedback, including the ability for on site personnel to action workflows and upload relevant information and media directly into the tablet device, efficiency, traceability, visibility, completion and security are all taken to the next level.