Why 2024 opens up new opportunities in biogas consultancy and in delivering and maintaining flow measurement systems
– the ‘cash register’ of the global energy sector.
We’re looking forward to collaborating with our clients, partners, and peers in 2024 building on our work throughout 2023 where we grew the Kelton team with new strategic hires, secured new project wins, and delivered work for the UK’s gas network operators thereby helping to decarbonise the UK network.
Kelton’s work in biogas and biomethane has gone from strength to strength. Since 2015 we have facilitated 38 biogas audits in the UK and continue to support the flow of biogases through the respective networks.
Biogas and biomethane are essential in accelerating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions when used for heating in buildings and industry as well as in transport and agriculture. Biogases are an enabler to decarbonising the UK’s energy sector and in providing affordable renewable energy for consumers, with the processes and experiences providing a platform to inform our work in hydrogen blending.
This year, we anticipate landing further consultancy work in the UK and internationally adding value to client projects and continuing to maintain and certify systems and networks.

Boosting our prospects has been our recent key hire of Dr Richard Steven, a celebrated ‘heavy hitter’ in the flow metering industry. Richard has previously worked for McCrometer and at TekDPro and in consultancy. Currently, Richard is active in ISO, API, AGA, and ASME flow meter standard boards. Richard is based in the USA and his hire is instructive of Kelton’s strength, reach and renewed global ambition.
Our work in the Middle East will continue to develop as we collaborate with operators and EPCs (engineering, procurement, and construction companies) to deliver major projects for large multi-national players in the oil and gas industry. Leading regional companies need consultants for all of their measurement points – this is a major opportunity for Kelton.
Indeed, global energy markets are more reliant than ever on Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and the wider GCC to supply the energy the world needs. This places greater emphasis than ever on the need for high-performance, flow measurement systems, which act as the ‘cash register’ of the energy industry and the vital mechanism to assess the contractual quantity and quality of the transferred energy.
Leading international companies need consultants to deliver their measurement points to provide system assurance and compliance – this is a major opportunity for Kelton in 2024 and the immediate years ahead.
Expanding our work in renewables in the region is important as the Middle East invests heavily in hydrogen and carbon capture and storage – something the UK is also looking at closely. Further opportunities exist in supporting clients digitalise their assets and measurement systems not just in the UK but internationally too.
Alongside energy measurement, there is growing focus on emissions measurement. In the last year Kelton has worked to extend its ISO17020 accreditation now to include inspection of environmental measurement and allocation systems. The Environment Trading Scheme (ETC) – a monitoring system by different regimes – also crucially opens potential growth prospects for Kelton.
2024 promises to be a fascinating year for growth as the world places greater emphasis on improving energy production and looks at new sources of energy to decarbonise the global system.
This article was written by Iain Pirie, Managing Director.