Introducing Steven Morris, Kelton's new Business Development Director.
We are delighted to announce that Steven Morris has joined Kelton as Business Development Director. Before he gets started, Steven has taken the time to tell us more about himself…
Welcome to Kelton, would you mind quickly introducing yourself before we get started?
I have worked in Oil & Gas for 14 years with Halliburton both overseas and in the UK. Prior to joining Kelton I worked exclusively in the drilling side of the industry. I was previously the Europe Senior Area Manager for the Baroid product service line with Halliburton based in Aberdeen. Prior to that I had operational and business development roles in Europe, West Africa and Asia with Baroid.
What made you choose Kelton as the next step in your career?
Ultimately I had been looking for a fresh perspective and new challenge and I was intrigued when this role came up. A big part of the attraction for me was Kelton’s culture and growth plans. From my point of view I felt that it certainly ticked the boxes that I was looking for in a new challenge but also would allow me to bring a unique perspective gained during my time both in my previous role and others that I have held with Halliburton.

You have been in the industry for 14 years – looking back, how has it changed over this time?
When I started 14 years ago I would argue that very little in how we extracted oil & gas had changed in the industry up to that point, change had been incremental. I feel that aside from recent geopolitical changes and COVID-19 within the last 5 years there has been a seismic shift in our business. The digital transformation in how we as an industry extract hydrocarbons has been profound. Whilst traditional IT based industries had been leveraging data, AI and automation in some forms for decades only recently has that really come to the fore in our industry and I feel will be the core of how we go forward and form the basis of technological change going forward.
What’s the most memorable moment within your career to date?
There have been many, for example I have been lucky enough to have lived and worked in different locations and worked with lots of different customers. Although, the most memorable moments for me have been when I have seen business growth but more importantly when individuals in teams develop and grow either in their skill set or into a new position due to that growth. For me that really makes me feel that the company and I did something right
What are you looking forward to the most in your new role at Kelton?
As I mentioned I get the most satisfaction out of growth of the business and the team. Ultimately I am looking forward to getting to know the team and leveraging my experience to build upon the work that has been done so far.
When you’re not working, how do you spend your free time?
The majority of my free time is spent with my family, my wife Fiona and our two kids Nia and Ruaridh. I also enjoy flying my drone when the weather is good, unfortunately we live in Scotland so that’s a hit or a miss. In addition I really enjoy Formula 1 (I have been to quite a few races) and also travelling, although not really too much of that has happened this year for obvious reasons.