Introducing Louis Johnson, Kelton's new Graduate Metering Engineer.
Welcome to Kelton, Louis, tell us more about yourself?
Hello, I’m Louis Johnson, I have just graduated from the University of Hull where I was studying Mechanical Engineering and was lucky enough to have had an internship within the Alderley group.
What did you do before this role?
Before I joined Kelton, I was a Royal Marines Commando for 6 years, based in Arbroath. I specialised as an Assault Engineer during my time as a Royal Marine which focuses on Counter IED, mine warfare and mechanical & explosive method of entry. I greatly enjoyed my time as a Royal Marine, but I am very much looking forward to the intellectually stimulating projects and challenges at Kelton and will be able to take many of the skills gained to my new role.
Any favourite memories from your time at Hull University?
Testing a novel hydrodynamic turbine system during my final year at university is a fond memory I will be able to take away from my time at university. Due to social distancing regulations, it required a full-scale test in a rural Yorkshire river which brought about some great challenges and plenty of comedic moments getting soaked through.

What made you choose Kelton as the next step in your career?
My time with the Alderley group as an Engineering Intern gave me a glimpse into the group. During that time, I became aware of the work each part of the group was involved in, and the technical nature of flow measurement that Kelton specialises in really intrigued me. The high regard Kelton holds within the industry as technical experts sealed the deal for me.
What’s the most memorable moment within your career to date?
I have had a few memorable moments to date. Earning my green beret as a Royal Marines Commando was very important to me. Submitting my university dissertation, which centred around an investigation into potential flowmeter installation locations downstream of a butterfly valve using Computation Fluid Dynamics, is also a proud moment due to the interesting subject and scale of work involved.
What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this year?
I am really looking forward to challenging myself to learn more about the industry and aspects of flow metering to make a meaningful contribution to the Kelton Team. I am also eager to be involved in a large project that will broaden my experience.
When you’re not working, how do you spend your free time?
I enjoy going to the gym and mountain biking in my spare time, although haven’t been able to as much as I would have wanted to over the lockdowns, so I have been spending my time renovating an Edwardian semi-detached house which, has taught me lots of new skills and the importance of buying a house which is fully renovated in the future!